Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Whole in Mind

As I headed home from a weekend with my mother last Sunday, I had some thoughts running through my mind. I need to get the radio fixed in the Jeep, so there was plenty of silence on the long drive. One thought that predominated, and to which my mind kept returning, was thoughts about God and my mind.

We are extensions / children of God. What God creates are never separate; God is forever a part. It is only through our free will that our minds fail to recognize that we are a part of God - forever. We think we are separate from God; we think we are separate from one another, even though studies in psychology and sociology clearly indicate our connectedness and interdependence.

So, if we are part of God and part of each other, yet in our stubbornness and free-will refuse to see that, what do we see if we accept it?

I kept trying to force my mind to completely accept the idea; it was like a switch on a bad fusebox breaker that kept flipping back to the "we are separate" notion, instead of staying on the belief we are One.


I believe, for me, my mind has other things in the way, blocking it and preventing the idea from sticking. Other than the concept that I am a part of God, there is the underlying fear of "hive mind" as in the feared cyborg's from Star Trek. "Beware the Borg! They'll strip away your mind and control you." Sadly, we see enough of that work in our own societies now. Many of our rights are stripped away and the will of the few dictates the will of the populace under them.

Under them.

Ego must be greater than others in this world.


Then there is also the argument that God will not strip away our free will - or it would have been gone LONG before now. God only asks that we accept His will. God does know what is best for us, even if it is not what we want at that moment in time / learning. A toddler may insist that he really wants to play with the pretty flames on the stove top, but it is not best for him.

There is the additional argument, if we are truly extensions of God and God is still One with us, even if we are not aware of this, God is. Would God really want to self-inflict pain and suffering? Or would God want what is best for all of that God is? Is our pain, suffering and strife only because we DENY we are part and follow our own wills?

Adam and Eve leaving the garden...

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