Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dreams Awakening

While I sleep, my dreams are quite lucid; I often remember much from them. While not every night, but often enough, I have dreams where I am learning something. Or my line of thinking is being changed / corrected.

Sometimes this leads to some conflict in the days following the dream. I doubt. I question. I worry. I fret. What was the source of the dream? Was it Divine? Was it my ego working in my subconsciousness? Was it something that tries to "lead me down the wrong path?"
I have come to know there is much that I have been taught that is not true. I need to unlearn some things in order to learn something properly. But at the same time, as an adult I cannot help but step back and evaluate something to make sure I am not being gullible or just plain wishful about some things. 

I have discovered - though admittedly have not been able to practice all that well or consistently - that emotions can be an ally when doubts come to my mind about what is to be believed and where I need to lay my faith.
If I am fearful, if I feel torn, if I am worried or anxious, then where I have placed my faith is not on sure ground: it is false. If I am at peace, if I am calm and confident - especially when I do not understand something completely - then I am on the right path.

May I never forget this tool that is in my hand, especially when thoughts fluctuate in this learning process. Faith while living in this world can be difficult. 

Seek the calm peace; find the way back home...

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