Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fading Forgiveness

Today the wife of the friend I mentioned in the "Dear John" blogpost emailed me a couple of times. While I considered her both a friend and sister before she walked out on her husband, I became merely "civil" toward her afterwards. I had seen two other women do the same thing to another friend and my little brother, leaving them broken-hearted and sobbing. I was seeing it a third time, and it was still painful to watch.

However, she's also my sister and I hold a responsibility to extend forgiveness to all. It's not just a calling, it's a part of who and what I am. When I don't forgive, I am denying a part of myself.
There exists times when I waver in that responsibility.

Today, I was genuinely happy to hear from her; she was a willing ear to listen if I wanted to talk about tomorrow's procedure, the book I am working on or anything else. My fingers had typed many a sentence that was deleted before the email was sent.
I remained "civil."

And distant.
Part of what held me back was that I followed this world again. Instead of keeping her past actions in the past, I brought them to the forefront of my mind and let them block a connection with a sister. I kept thinking, "What would this guy think of me if I started acting friendly toward the wife that walked out on him? It's been less than 24 hours after he cut me off. I would be seen as one running toward the enemy in his mind."

I am not so foolish to believe that she wasn't aware of the termination of friendship; they have mutual friends that have been keeping each apprised of the other. She likely heard about it and was reaching out to me, knowing that I felt stung.
I was merely "nice" and kept most of my emotions and thoughts close without giving her anything save a mention of my cystoscopy appointment tomorrow. I wanted to manipulate the situation so word got back to the guy, letting him know that he not only cast out someone that was a good friend but did it while she was sick! Let's face it; women do this kind of thing, even if subconsciously.

That is really not me. That's the ego! That's the little part that thinks it's me and tries to play this world's games. In all honestly, why should I care what someone thinks - especially when he just declared I am no longer his friend? I only cared because I still feel the need to play a certain role in this life, wear the mask a little longer, to play the game.

I cannot afford to do that anymore.
I really can't.

Time is catching up and I am too aware of who I really am. I need to stop these egotistical games. I need to stop caring what other people think about my thoughts and actions and really be who I AM.
There are three things I know for certain that I need to do here.
  1. Love others unconditionally
  2. Forgive others wholeheartedly
  3. Erase lines humanity draws, dividing themselves apart
By my own actions, I am failing at all three of these tasks. My Brother is very likely ashamed of me when I act thus! I dread hearing the words, "I am disappointed in you" when they come from Him. Yet I continue to act as though the words and opinions of lesser-knowledgeable people matter more to me.
I need to stop. NOW! Tonight! Thus I end this stupidity and cast my mask underfoot - like a gauntlet. The challenge is issued. I go to meet it with my head high. I can do better! I WILL do better.

I am who I am called to be and one day Yeshua / Jesus will be proud of me.

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