Friday, December 9, 2011

Fear, Pain - Go Away!

I have the cystoscopy today. Fear tickles my mind with dread since I first opened my eyes this morning. I was given two tools to help me today: two simple things to keep in mind. That's it. Plus just a bit of faith.

I need to move my mind away from the fear, the dread, thoughts of torn urethra and ruptured bladder, of pain and agony that exists only in my mind as the future is not now. I am, to use my Brother's words, "to nail those thoughts to the cross." Sounds odd, but I will try my best to do that. With the faith of a mustard seed... 

Essentially all the pain and fear of this world has been overcome in one act - the cross and resurrection. Christ overcame both when he overcame death. We, His brothers and sisters, can have our own fears and pain likewise nailed to that same cross. Our spirits work outside of space and time. Then it is done and gone, leaving only Peace. But this requires Faith. 

Right now, it seems to require a LOT of faith, as my hands tremble fighting the fear. But I am reminded - it is only a little faith that is needed. The mustard seed.

We do not need to fight the fear alone; we do not need to fight the fear at all. Let Christ be our victor for us. Trust Him. He wants to help. He will help if I let Him. I need to let go of my will and let His will be done. Christ does not will that we suffer fear and pain. He loves us too dearly for that. He did not want to experience His own fear and pain, but because He loves us, He did. He knows what it is, shows us that we can overcome it, together with Him. He is holding out His hand to lead the way..

The other item I need to keep in mind, I will speak of in my next blogpost...

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