An earlier post speaks of my doubt that I am a prophet. To be more specific, I will not be what comes to mind when people think of the word "prophet."
Many are self- proclaimed prophets, who may have contact with the divine and receive a valid message to share. Yet, when asked, they present a tagline and say, "If you want to know more, buy my book" (or similar).
No, I will not be like that. I do have a message I try to share on Twitter, in my blogs, in my stories... free of charge. I was not charged anything when I received it, who am I to gain financially from it? That would be a "profit" not "prophet."
There are two statements given me as I try to understand the role for which I was called. They are:
I am unforeseen; I am unrecognized; I will do what I am here to do, and I will depart from this world still unknown.
I will not know what I am called to do, until after I have accomplished it.
I will not know what I am called to do, until after I have accomplished it.
These were quite a blow to my ego. Yet, they bring Peace to my heart and soul.
Unforeseen ~ There is no blueprint that I nor anyone else will look to and try to get me to match. I do not have to meet anyone's concepts or obligations. That includes my own, as I don't know what it is I am called to do.
Unrecognized ~ A voice in the crowd often is far more effective than one at the podium. This also takes away all temptation for fame and fortune that the ego tries to lay at my feet. The ones in the spotlight need to maintain a certain "image." None of these apply; I am to be One with my brothers and sisters on this journey.
I will do ~ It took a while to get this to sink in. God sees that I succeed. In truth, beyond time, it is already done. This helps to override the fears that I will not fulfill my work, that something will be done wrong, or left undone. My readers will see these fears and doubts appear in this blog from time-to-time. I know that all these fears and doubts are from my ego, and I continue to learn to trust. I am still on that journey.

The message is for all, not one. I am not important. While my ego strives against this knowledge, bringing frets to my mind, this understanding also brings my heart and soul Peace. I don't have a public image to maintain, or even guess what it is. The chattering of my ego is inconsequential and can be safely ignored.
I really do NOT know what it is I am to do, when, and how. It can be quite frightening. The unknown usually is. I need to continue to Trust God, day-by-day, moment-by-moment, that He will guide me in who to speak with and what to say. For I have also come to realize that I do not understand things completely, even the smallest thing. When I insist on my will, my way - letting the ego take the reigns - I will do it wrong. If I see the goal, when I do not really understand the way, I will try to do it MY WAY. And I will fail. I can make things worse, for myself and for others.
That is why I need to let go ~ let God. And why the unknown applies to my own understanding. I need blind Trust in this life.
Even though it can frighten the ego
who realizes all control is slipping from its grasp.
When I focus not on me, but on others
and what they need... that fear fades fast.
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