For the past several months, I've been going through a lot of physical pain - acute bladder pain from IC/PBS (Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome), then joint pain all over, especially in my hands/wrists, feet/ankles, knees and shoulders. We discovered the joint-pain may be related to a vitamin deficiency caused by the IC/PBS diet, which also prohibits vitamin supplements - and pain killers.
So I've been dealing with a lot of pain - raw.
A week ago last night - just about sunset, I was asked to put some trust that it will end soon. One week - until sunset Monday (4/9). Then the constant pain would go away. I just needed to Trust Yeshua.

When I got home from work yesterday, I still wondered if the pain would go away. I wasn't that "good" with the diet on Sunday, as I had a few jelly beans and had WAY too many cookies. Worse, I had a few cups of coffee (STRONGLY prohibited on the IC/PBS diet) yesterday morning. By the end of the day, I was in all sorts of pain, including the addition of a debilitating sinus migraine that had my left eye squinted shut and my upper teeth throbbing.
As I minced my way through dinner and crawled into bed early, the words: Trust me; just TRUST me, kept bouncing through my head. My mind tried to argue if I was so bad on the diet and had this vicious headache, how could I be pain-free by sunset? But in the end, I trusted, closing my eyes to sleep just as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon.
Today I woke up with no pain, no ache, no headache. It's been several hours and I've had another three cups of coffee - with no residual bad affects. I've jogged up and down staircases today with no thought to the pain, where I was half-stepping in agony like a crippled old woman because of the pain in my knees. Can this be for real???
This is AWESOME!!!
Granted, I will be the first to admit, I still have a long way to go to completely place my trust 100% in Yeshua, but these little moments are well worth singing about. Not because I trusted; because He granted me a sign that He is still with me, helping me and watching over me.
He loves me and I'm more grateful for this than any words can express...
Thank you, dear Yeshua! I Love You, big Brother! :D
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