Monday, April 9, 2012

I'm T...

On Saturday before heading out for the weekend, I followed some of the people who follow me on Twitter. There was one that was an obvious "porn" account and may have been an auto-follow to my account. Often I just ignore the sales accounts, and debate following these accounts. If it's just a lot of "come see my website" or sales pitches for other things, I'll ignore it. But once in a while, there is an account with content, even if not much. This was one of the latter.

I had clicked the Follow button and immediately was hit with the "what will other people think about me" syndrome. Given what I had just written in this blog less than an hour before, I fought to let it roll.

This morning, I received a DM (direct message) from this person. Granted, I don't know if this person is even male or female, let alone the age. Their message read:
  • Im Nina38e, a hot curvy cam girl with huge natural 38jj breasts. come check me out on my cam:
Pretty much anyone can see it's bogus (the breast size, not necessarily the webcam, which I will not click to see). First, it's amusing how Nina goes from 38e to 38jj. And natural? LoL This person may not have swelled mammary glands, but does have a swelled head.

Humor aside, I felt sad for this person. To them, lies are needed to feel wanted, important in this world. Worse, it focuses on the physical appearance rather than the person itself.

While still half-asleep this morning, I skimmed my messages, but only replied to one. The one from @Nina38e. While just following in the swing of the moment, I replied to her message with one of my own:

  • I'm T, I have natural 38-DDD that I find a pain in the ass. So I don't need to see yours. :P Otherwise, how are you today? :)
That's the simple truth. Yes, I can be blunt and do use swear words when I believe they are appropriate. And yes, I find being "naturally well-endowed" a bother. Clothing doesn't fit right, I pop work blouse buttons when I sneeze, the weight pulls viciously on the spine, and I can't wait to get out of the bra at the end of the day because it feels like a corset. Plus, now that I'm starting to reach the half-century mark, they are sagging like two bags of overripe apples. I've had them squeezed, squished and mashed for annual and semi-annual mammographies since I was 35, because my baseline showed several irregularities and my mother (also naturally well-endowed) had breast cancer - both sides - before menopause.

Personally, I'd prefer the standard "B" if I actually had a choice. But I don't have a choice; it's how God made me. So I laugh about it and live with it, because - quite frankly - God cares more about what's inside than outside.

Which goes back to Nina, whomever (s)he may be...

Yeshua (Jesus) didn't dismiss someone who was in a similar trade at the time. Pharisees and others criticized Him because he associated with tax collectors and prostitutes. Who am I to do any different?

My DM attempted to dismiss the physical attributes of this person while opening the door to get to know the real person behind the account better. Will it work? I don't know. But I will never know until I try.

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