Saturday, May 12, 2012

Until We Meet Again...

Unless one is or was an outcast, it's difficult to understand what it is like: the loneliness. I grew up friendless, yet in high- school's last two years, I had one friend - another outcast two years my junior - who had become closer than a sister to me.

In May before graduation, I lost her.

She was a few months past her 16th birthday; I had not yet reached 18. I was blessed in that we had a chance to say good bye. I still remember some of her parting words: "Our paths will cross a thousand times; they will you know!"

That was 25 years ago.

Since then, I've attended many funerals for friends, co-workers, grandparents, my dad, extended family - even my kid brother who passed away last April...

While we can no longer touch their hand, see into their eyes, or go shopping with them at the local mall, our loved ones are still alive. Because we are all connected beyond time and space, they are still with us as well as existing in a better place.

As I explain to my pre-teen and younger niece and nephews who grieve for their father, our loved ones still live in our memories, our stories and our hearts. Older, I understand now that there are spiritual bonds we make in this life that are still connect us to those who no longer have a heartbeat.

In a few minutes of my dreaming last night, I saw my friend again. I don't know if it was a visit or just a memory - though she appeared different and older than the last time I saw her.

Every once in a while, a pulse of Love will thrum along the connections we share and touch us within a moment of space and time. Our thoughts of love for them will also do the same, back to our loved ones who exist beyond space and time, as we do, with them.

Until we meet again...

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