Saturday, May 5, 2012

No Credit

I have a friend who sincerely and wholeheartedly believes every "bad" thing that happens in his life is caused by the devil. This can range from the devil caused the tornado to drop a tree on his car, to the devil manipulated ("forced") his wife to leave him, to the devil made him step on a keyboard that he left on the floor.

While I shake my head at times, wondering if this person would ever take any credit himself, I have realized I must check my own thoughts too.

Granted, there are many things I chalk up to my own clumsiness, not paying attention or similar "faults" of my own design. For example, just before writing this blogpost, I brushed my teeth and accidentally dropped the toothbrush right next to the toilet on a floor whose cleaning is well past due. I can bemoan that, "the devil made me do it!" Or I can pick up the toothbrush and clean it off. I can even make a mental note that I need to schedule some time to clean the bathroom.

But other times I will wonder, how much of our lives are truly influenced by the adversary, devil, dark force, dark energy, etc.? That such exists, I can not deny. In fact, I sincerely admit Yeshua told me such exists. Yet, there is another element we don't easily see or acknowledge...

Elanor Roosevelt said it succinctly: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." This works in both our interactions with our brothers and sisters as well as the spiritual realm. In the case of my friend, he has handed his entire life - lock, stock and barrel - into the hands of that which he calls his "enemy." Ironically, in doing so, he has actually opened himself completely to the influence of that which he fights.

When something "bad" happens in my life or in the lives of others, I have started to train my mind to think differently. I will not see the pain as a result of the adversary's work. I will not lay the blame at the feet of those who suffer; I will not lay blame at all. Yeshua (Jesus) teaches we should not judge, after all.

But most of all, I will not - never, ever, ever, ever again! - give the b*tch credit. Yes, I said b*tch, little asterisk and all. After all, we truly do not know gender of angels - fallen or not. In fact, they may not have a gender at all. But the "devil" is well known for wrecking havoc in countless lives through lies, deception and manipulation. Right? And let's be honest, ladies, we women are better known for this as well. So I will call her the b*tch I see her as. :D

But I digress, the main thrust of this post is simply this: Do not give credit for any thing you see as "bad" or "evil" around you to that which you consider the devil, adversary, dark-entity, etc., even if you reasonably argue that something should be laid at it's feet.


We - each and every one of us - are children of God. We retain some gifts of which our awareness is thickly, if not completely obscured. One of these gifts Yeshua (Jesus) has taught in the gospels, as well: If we believe something strong enough; it will be.

Think about that.

Now ask yourself - as honestly as possible; I'm not going to check your answers - how much of your life do you believe is controlled or influenced by the "devil" (or however your conceive such an entity to be)? How much do you see the lives of others being influenced by temptations though this entity?

Think about that.

Now, step-by-step as I currently do, try to change your mind every time similar thoughts enter your mind. Any - and every - time you see the "devil's work" I want you to stop and change your mind. I want you to tell yourself, like I do, "I am not going to give that b*tch the credit." Sometimes the best way to do so is not to lay the blame anywhere.

For in doing so, my sisters and brothers, we are actually removing that entity's ability to influence those in this world. We have inherited that power. We have the power to strengthen the entity's ability, which we have done for countless generations in time. Now, with this generation, let us truly weaken that ability, possibly even sever it completely. Let us not believe in the adversary's influence, through which, we do weaken it in our own lives AND in the lives of others. We reduce fear, trepidation and wariness of each other. We erase dividing lines. We stand as one, in love and compassion... as children of God.

This is something, though, that needs be done both individually and hand-in-hand, together. For we are one.

Spread the word.
Believe you can.
And Don't give the b*tch credit!

1 comment:

  1. This post, by the way, does not in ANY way negate any of the help we receive from Yeshua and others in this life. He does help us in our struggles against this entity. But, at the same time, He does want us to realize our talents/gifts and put them to better use. The belief that something has power over us vs. the belief we are safe in God's hands and belief that Christ will help us (gotta do that post next). It is all a matter of belief. :D
