While the pictures down the right side of my blog were specifically chosen and placed in a particular order, I have never presented what each means to me. I will take some time to do so now.

Call to the Bride: The Bridegroom casts His nets, calling for the Bride. Purple nets represent both royalty and passion of His love. The roses represent the beauty He sees in the Bride, even when she does not see it herself. Three roses, a reflection of the Trinity. But also the fact that the Bride is NOT one person, but many - all of us in fact, as one. Christ's hand seems to touch an invisible wall. There is a barrier between Him and the Bride right now. But because His Love extends past it, it is only a matter of time before the Bride and Bridegroom will be together.
.Faint Stirrings: At the beginning, the Bride can only hear faint stirrings. She does not know where it comes from, nor what it means. She can not understand at this point, but she has this feeling deep inside that someone is calling her name.

Wait For Me: Those three words echoed in my soul when I first saw this picture. The timing of when the Bride and Bridegroom reunite is not up to me. Nor the Son. The Father chooses the timing. I need to be ready. I need to wait. Patience is important.
There are many things that draw me to this picture. It illustrates feeling safe in His arms. There is a shawl on the woman's head, a part of His Jewish culture of the time. There is also the look on Christ's face. Sometimes He appears to be at Peace, holding His Bride close. Other times He appears to be concentrating on something of which the Bride seems aware. A few times, He appears to scowl at her too...
Searching For Her Beloved: The Bride is aware of being drawn by the Bridegroom, and learns much through religion rather than relationship. She has decided to make a devoted attempt at being Bride, but her understanding of who and what the Bride is, is very limited. Christ seems so distant, high on a pedestal and all but unapproachable. Worthy of praise, prayers and songs, but not one would share a cup of coffee or join for a long walk to share a sunset.

Studies: The Bride continues to learn; the Bridegroom draws even closer. She sees His work all around her now. Not just in her life, but in all lives. Her light grows stronger. She is starting to grow in confidence of who she is.

Bride Watch: The Bride is aware how close the Bridegroom is. She is aware of Him in her daily life, not just in prayers and praise. Her thoughts include Him several times a day. Like a woman in a new love relationship, she smiles every time she thinks of Him. Her love and their relationship grow stronger, day by day.

Assistance: As the Bride learns and grows, the Bridegroom is ever at her side, always ready to sustain and help in any way she needs on the journey.

So she gives up the sword, relinquishing all attack thoughts for the sake of her beloved Bridegroom. This period is also reflected in the Song of Songs; the Bridegroom will approach then draw away from the waiting Bride...
The Singing Bride: Forgoing the sword, the Bride turns to Song. Her heart sings of the Bridegroom's Love and she sings it to the world. As she sings, the world around her brightens.

Freedom: The Bride experiences the reality beyond the reality she initially perceived. Her eyes are truly opening to what she only caught hints of before. The Holy Spirit within leads her to the next level and the glory of the universe expands in her mind..
All and One: As the Bride arrives, she realizes she did not come alone. All of humanity is with her now; all become One. It is dark with the past at first, but grows brighter quickly...
The Wedding Feast: Bride and Bridegroom are joined. Brother and Sister are united. They become as One and Heaven rejoices!
Final Union: Just as the Bride is the union of all Humanity. The joining of the Bride and Bridegroom brings Humanity back to God. They are joined as One - for all time. The Bridegroom presents all He is and all He has to the Bride without restriction, without strings, without hesitation. The Bride realizes this is what He has been offering all along, and gives Him all that she is... running into His arms. Forever.
Have you thought about putting the artists name who created these paintings? The legal and ethical thing to do would be to ask the artist's permission for you to post their work, prior to putting it on your webpage. Then, put their name and website so that people can find the place to purchase the print or contact the artist. Something to consider . . .
ReplyDeleteThat is a valid argument. Sadly, these images were found the same way you likely arrived at my website. I searched for them online and found them on blog posts and other websites that had nothing to do with the artist. Where there is some mark of the artist or website, I leave that with the image. But I can not say for certain whether the website is from the artist or an addition to the image. Several of these I can tell have been modified before I found them. Thus there is no reasonable way for me to find the original artist to obtain permission.
ReplyDeleteSecond, under the US Copyright Law, there is a Fair Use clause which enables the use of copyrighted materials, such as images or quotes, for certain situations. In the case of this particular blogpost, I am discussing what the images mean to me. The Fair Use clause permits free usage "in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment," as well as "for illustration or clarification of the author’s observations."
Further, this blog's main purpose is a venue through which I learn, as well as share what I have have learned. Under the Fair Use clause, we have the right to use "reproduction by a teacher or student of a small part of a work to illustrate a lesson." These are small, low resolution copies.
While searching for images online, I have found images that request that the image not be used, reproduced or shared without permission. I honor and respect those wishes.
Further, I do not - nor will I ever - obtain revenue for the use of these images. I do not even have advertisements on this blog.
Having said that, if you have the original artist's name and website, I will be happy to note that with the images and contact them for permission.
Beautiful website ;) it surely inspires everyone that visits this ;)
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DeleteAbsolutely Perfect ;)