Friday, February 24, 2012

Lent - Day 1

I guess I'm off to a slow start with both Lent as well as the blog. I'll add a few posts this morning to "catch up" with the blog. Lent traditionally begins with Ash Wednesday. It also marks the start of my personal 40-day fast.

We planned to attend a 12:15 Mass where I would take a slightly longer lunch break from work and meet him at the Church. This old mare stumbled out of the starting gate. I had completely forgotten and ate a few pieces of bread and butter for breakfast, as well as a handful of peanuts late in the morning.

Then I heard a reminder over the radio, where they mentioned Ash Wednesday. I told myself I needed to remember to go to church. My alarm went off at Noon, but I continued to do what I was working on "to finish one more thing." That one thing became another, and another. Next thing I know, Mass is about to start and I was already late.

I called my husband as I dashed out the door. He was still at home, cooking lunch and as oblivious as I was that it was Ash Wednesday. We met at the church and walked in to Mass together.

While I was there, a thought had occurred to me. While I botched it the first few hours, there was still a long run ahead of me. This stumble is not the end; it's a greater challenge at the start.

And I am not alone; Yeshua (Jesus) is with me. I had a cute image shared, where Yeshua lifts up a younger sibling so they could reach the cookie jar high on the shelf. It's something a big brother would do for those He loves.

Where will Lent take me on the journey this year? I don't know. But with Yeshua at my side, it will be something wonderful.

Maybe there will be cookies too.

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