Sunday, January 1, 2012

Visitor Dreams

As I continue this monologue of dream categories, I would like to start this post by distinguishing something stated in the last post. While I do dream "everyday dreams" with people who are no longer in my life, I have become aware of the difference between my brain working out life's experiences and actual visits while I am asleep.

Visitor Dreams are distinguished essentially by the fact that my dream-self becomes aware - very aware - that I am dreaming and the person is really THERE, contacting me through my dreams. This may entail speaking with people who have died, or speaking with those whom I've never met in this existence yet somehow we know each other.
These include ones where Yeshua/Jesus visits my dreams too. Though He also plays a major part in the Learning Dreams as well. But I will side-track here a moment to share a beautiful memory of one of the non-learning dreams.

My dream self was in some building that my current mind does not recognize, but my dream self was both familiar and comfortable being there. It was a cross between an events hall and a church. The ceiling was high, it was dimly lit, though there were dusty sunlight streamers coming from the upper windows across the air near the ceiling. The room encompassed much of the building and was cross shaped, much like many of the old cathedrals I've visited. The doors were also at the "foot" and ends of the "arms" of the cross. While there were some wooden benches, similar to pews, they were pushed back against the walls, leaving much of the room open.

While large and open, it bustled with people and activity. In the dream, I am one of the people coordinating the work going on in the room, as well as actively engaged in the work itself. I believe we were sorting and folding clothing that was going to be brought to the local homeless shelter.

I initially spied Yeshua the widest part of the room, where the "arms" of the cross extended. He was bending over the random piles, neatly folding and setting the clothing down in one of the sorted piles, much like many of the others in the room. He was dressed in sandals, simple white robe with a sash, though my dream-self didn't think this was strange. It was the same impression I have when I see other volunteers dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt.

So I bent back to my work and picked up the next item in the unsorted pile at my feet. Then it blossomed in my mind. "That was HIM!" I looked up quickly, dropping the article of clothing in my hand. He looked up my way, smiled and nodded as if He read my thoughts.
I ran - literally RAN - to him and wrapped my arms around Him, over His shoulders in a strong hug. He swept me up into His arms and spun me around as though I were no more than a little girl who had just run into her big brother's arms. Then He held me close in a big, comforting hug. It was remarkable! It was fantastic! It WAS Him! It was real!

Every fiber of my being screamed this. I could never - ever - dismiss it as just a dream. Tears stream down my face as I recall that beautiful moment.

Then He set me back on my feet, kissed my cheek, smiled at me, and - sadly - sent me on my way. Back to the work, on to another dream, back to this existence. I have more to learn, more to do. But He is there, with me.

I've had other dreams with Yeshua visiting; I've had other visitors as well, including both my deceased father (who asked me to help my mom take care of the house) and my brother. The most recent with my little brother (who passed away last April) I believe was the last one from him. We had said our farewells to each other. My dad still pops up from time to time.

I've had a cusp-of-a-dream experience with visitors too. One time while visiting friends in Pennsylvania, I had a dream where it was like a conversation with visitors in a fog. I could not see, but it wasn't complete, inky black darkness. There was light, just nothing to see; similar to bright lights in a really dense fog or white-out conditions in a blizzard. This was a two-part dream, happening over two nights.

The first night, I had contact with someone who claimed to be Michael. He said he was close by. While he didn't outright say he was an angel, there were hints at it. I awoke in the borrowed bed sitting upright with my hand extended out, feeling like I just got dumped back into my body.

The second night was like the first, except Michael introduced me to a friend. The friends name sounded to me like Ariel. I asked: "Ariel, like the little mermaid." The friend seemed to emanate feelings akin to seeing a sour face, while Michel laughed good-naturally and replied, "No, NOT like the mermaid." I awoke the second night in a similar pose as the first.

That Monday, I was chatting with a friend of mine in Texas. He said he had just been contacted by Archangel Michael, and another... named Uriel.

"Uriel?" my mind asked, "Like Ariel? But not like the mermaid..."

My friend also mentioned about both angels being in Pennsylvania, though my friend didn't know I had just visited there that weekend.  

I don't know if the pair that contacted my friend were the same that reached me in Pennsylvania. I still wonder if that was another type of visit after all. Angelic or not, someone touched my mind those two nights.

Rarely, I am also visited by Pari (God). Though these encounters shake me to my foundations and scare the crap out of me. Not while I am in the dream, but right afterwards when I wake up and realize Who I have just had a real encounter with, my mind reels. They are probably rare because of this strong reaction. My mind in this life's existence does not seem to be ready for such a contact. Pari doesn't want to scare me. Sometimes my Learning Dreams are geared toward changing my mindset so these are not so frightening...

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