Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mental Yoga

I haven't written in a while, but I needed to do some mental yoga. Mental yoga...?

Yup! I twist my mind this way and that way to learn from where each thought comes. It may not involve sun salutation or downward dog, but I did run into child.

Rather than riding my thoughts and first impressions as they gallop out my mouth or through my fingertips, I learned to follow them back to the roots. There's a lot of garbage back there. It's time for a yard sale!

Does anyone want any rejections I've experienced in childhood? Going cheap!

How about "It's not fair" feelings? I've got a stack to clear out.

Oh, and here's a great find: iEnvy! "What is iEnvy?" you ask. It's the feelings of low self worth and jealousy because I don't have the latest tech-toys. Not even a smart phone. Well, my hubby gave me a solar powered dancing flower from the dollar store. Does that count?

Over here there's a whole trunk of "I should have done's" - all those things I wished I had done when I had a younger body and few responsibilities. Maybe I should start a bucket list instead...

We all have knots that influence our thoughts and perspectives. There are ties to the past that sometimes need to be undone.

We are also interconnected to each other, sometimes in ways we never imagine.

When we trace these thoughts and feelings back to roots, we can be surprised by what we find - good as well as bad.

We are also given an opportunity to clear out what we don't want and work on weaving our thoughts and perspectives around positive influences in our lives.

What we can achieve is far more beautiful than we now conceive.
Lastly, while weaving our life, sometimes we find ourselves at the end of our rope.

That's when we need to be like this kitten - tie a knot and hang on until a new strand appears.

Don't worry.
It will.

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