Several months passed; time to start blogging again. So much has happened, I don't know what to share, even from this past week alone.
So I share today's thoughts and move forward. There is no point in looking back, unless I need to recall lessons. That is what I did today.
This past week, I shared some blog posts with a few people from Twitter. In doing so, I re-read the posts myself.
Some I completely forgot, yet when gathering links, they leapt out, waving little text arms at me.
I needed to review some lessons, much like a student reads through the notebook before finals.
I have also grown: more confident, more skilled in reading emotions, more skilled in letting go, and more determined to use Spirit to identify and remove thoughts from my ego.
Love for Yeshua (Jesus) has grown more than I conceived possible. Part of this is that I am finally learning to Love myself.
Love with Yeshua isn't some school-girl "bride" romance fantasy. It's different and so much deeper ~ on so MANY different levels: the relationship to my Lord and Savior, bond between sister and Brother, and budding romance between Bride and Bridegroom where I give all that I am to Him. And He has already given all that He is to us.

My mind actually understands and accepts things like that now. I see the connections, how prayer vibrates along them, how Love and Blessings grow when shared, and how Forgiveness completely eliminates a mistake throughout time. I see the Kingdom being built, and how it exists within each and every human being ~ and much more.
I still learn and make mistakes. I still have bouts of doubt, fear and the case of the little-sister sulk. Yeshua no longer says the words, "I am disappointed in you."
Now He just points out that I am "not thinking with the right mind." The message is clear. I mis- stepped, and He guides me in how to reconcile the situation.
Step by step.
I continue to learn
And grow.
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