Years ago, I was given the name "Yeshua" to use when speaking to Christ, which means "to rescue, deliver." The name "Jesus" derives from the Greek name "Iesous." The letter "J" never came into use until 1524 AD.

Correct pronunciation is "Ye-shu-a," or "Ye-ho-shu-ah" for Hebrew. I think there's an extra character for that. I often forget that the first character when reading Hebrew is on the right, not the character that looks like "y" on the left. :P

Over the last few months, though, another Hebrew term has crossed my mind. When I think "Yeshua" (with the correct pronunciation :P), there's been an echo in my mind with the word: "Adonai."
Well, given my extensive knowledge of Hebrew (of which wouldn't fill a thimble), I turned to the internet and found this great website that actually has the spoken pronunciations as well as the meanings. Did you know that there are several versions of the Hebrew word for "Lord"?
The first sound was for "Adon", so I skipped that and went to the first "Adonai: The Lord". But the sound was different than the one in my mind. It had a long "I" sound rather than a long "A" sound at the end.
that caught my ear was "Adoni: My Lord," which had a long "E" sound.
This seemed to resonate with my soul, as well. Though it was with an "E" rather than "A" sound.
I went through the group, the closest I could match was "Adonei ha-adonim: The Lord of Lords."
So, my guess for "Yeshua Adonei" (correctly spelled :P) is "Jesus the Lord." Maybe "Adonai" (with the long A) is for Yeshua's Abba, "THE Lord." (*Shug*) I am still learning. :D
So much to learn
So much to see
Wonderful nuggets
Found amidst humanity

I went through the group, the closest I could match was "Adonei ha-adonim: The Lord of Lords."
So, my guess for "Yeshua Adonei" (correctly spelled :P) is "Jesus the Lord." Maybe "Adonai" (with the long A) is for Yeshua's Abba, "THE Lord." (*Shug*) I am still learning. :D
So much to learn
So much to see
Wonderful nuggets
Found amidst humanity
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