While I was doing so, I felt an inner tug asking: What would God do? I grumbled that this is MY twitter account and I should be free to do as I please. After all, I don't want all that "crap" my stream, and if someone doesn't want to follow me, I assume it's because they do not want to interact with me. So why not unfollow them?

But the nudge came again: What would God do? I had to acknowledge the Truth.
God does not turn from us (unfollow), when we turn from God ~ ever. Nor does God turn from us, even though we have been quiet for a very long time. God is always with us, even those of us who do not believe in God.
God never mutes us.

Still, God loves me - and every one of us - unconditionally. No matter what we say, God always listens.

Those who are in the condition of Hell block their connection with God themselves. They hit that little "I don't want to talk to God; I don't want God to see what I say and do; I don't want to hear what God has to say" button on their Twitter account (allegorically).

But always remember: as one can always unblock someone on Twitter, one can likewise always unblock their connection to the Divine... even from the depths of Hell.
Whether something big in my life, or something as simple as managing my Twitter account, I can learn and grow by asking the simple question:
What would God do?
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