Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Footprints in Snow

This was originally posted to my other blog and I realized it is more appropriate on my personal one (here).
Most people who live in wintry climes experienced climbing over a snow bank. Sometimes it is a small hill out of piled or wind-drifted snow, pristine and ready to explore with child-like delight.
Sometimes we face a muddy, gravel-pitted and icy hurdle to get where we want to go.
A recent snowfall left a shoulder-high wall between me and my morning run to the bakery. I wasn't going to be deterred. I plowed ahead with snow spilling over the tops of my knee-high boots.
We learn to place our steps in the footprints of those who climbed over the snowbank before us. The chance that we'd sink deeper than those footprints is miniscule; we know it is a safe path.
As I climbed back over the snowbank on the return trip, a thought danced through my mind and I wanted to share it with my readers.
We often see "footprints in the sand" signifying Christ walking with us, carrying us in times of trouble.
When things get REALLY tough and the world gives us the cold shoulder, Christ is still there, climbing over the snow banks with us.
Even when we insist that we can tackle the challenge on our own, Christ walks a step before us, encouraging us to walk in His footsteps, for we thus know the path is safe for us to walk too.

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