How many others have similar dark whispers, drown out of conscious awareness by the internet, TV, radio and all other worldly distractions, but still influencing on a sub-conscious level? I am willing to bet we all do.
During my hiatus, I had an opportunity to open up with another that also has many frustrations, doubts, fears and a super-sized helping of tears.
She had drunken deeply from all the negativity around her - that she was fat at a size 7, that she was ugly, that she was worthless, that she was unloved and unlovable, and so on.
Whether our subconscious minds learn these lies from ads, news, stories, others, or sources of which our conscious minds are completely unaware, it DOES have a negative impact on our self-perception.

But the dark whispers also had a firm command - do not speak of these. So I buried my pain deep (see prior post). These past weeks, I had an opportunity to change this.
A friend and I traded many emails in which we revealed all these dark negative whispers that danced randomly through our minds.
We would read each other's confessions and ask, "What the heck is she talking about?!? I can see that isn't true. Why does she believe that of herself?"
Then I issued a challenge I hope to continue in life. We tell each other the truth, as often as possible, starting with the most important: We are God's children. We are Loved. We are Loving. We are worthy of Love.
Then we work on the particular lies we each have rolling across the dark corners of the mind.
How bright would the world become if we all had an opportunity to know that those dark whispers in our subconscious were all just lies?
How often could a sad face be lifted, a self-image be strengthened, a soul healed, and love and courage renewed?
I hope I never stop trying to counter that, for each and every person that touches my life, even for a brief moment.
After all, the moment in our hands is truly all we have.
Remember: You are God's child. You are Loved. You are Loving. And - no matter what the dark whispers tell you - you ARE worthy of Love.
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