I can be a sulky little sister; yesterday proved that. In my mind, it was a test: a test of Faith, a test to see if I clearly hear Yeshua, and maybe even a test to see if He really keeps His word. (There I brought that little doubt to the light!)
When I started Positive News, I was told I would be able to get the work down to an hour each morning by the end of the month. While it has gone from sixteen hours to roughly four, I seriously doubted that it would only take one hour.
Yesterday, it took three-and-a-half hours! I railed, I whined, I complained, I questioned. Let's face it: I threw a hissy-fit. Why didn't He keep His promise?!?
His response was to calm down, and that I wasn't "thinking in my right mind." Right mind? I watched the clock! Nearly four hours!!! But in time, after the temper tantrum, I realized what else happened yesterday.

So I went to work early yesterday to work on Positive News from there. For some reason my work connection - a CABLE modem plugged directly into my laptop - was bizarrely slow. This was at 7am, with no one else in the building and very few people in the neighborhood (unless you count that line at Dunkin' Donuts across the street).
After Firefox crashed three times, I checked for bugs, viruses, and such, with nothing found. The most insane part was that my computer crawled, taking as much as five minutes to paste in Word after I hit Ctrl+V on the keyboard. And yet, my CPU indicator barely lit up at all, so the computer wasn't struggling with an overwhelmed memory. It just decided to work VERY slowly. Can computers hold slow-down strikes? I swear mine was!
And then - after three hours of painfully slow work -- especially as I have very little patience -- I finally posted Positive News on my other blog. Then I went to Twitter to tweet that the next edition was up. Can you say "Fail Whale"? It took 25 minutes to post that one simple tweet, being forced to log in at least three times.
After that? Well, surprisingly, right after I fought tooth and claw to get that edition up, my computer decided to behave properly for the rest of the day. It worked as its speedy self, the internet streamed audio and video feeds effortlessly, and there were no issues with any of its programs. What happened? I really don't know...
I leave the guess up to you, dear readers.
When I worked on today's edition of Positive Tweets, it took just under an hour and a half. But twenty minutes of that was because I read a few stories and watched a video.
Otherwise it would have taken an hour, just like yesterday -- if not for the battle.
Two days ago, I heard a single word whispered in the howling wind: Persevere. Yesterday morning, while I was mentally throwing colorful language at my laptop in frustration, that word danced in the forefront of my mind.
While I wasn't thinking in my right mind, I sulked that Yeshua didn't keep His promise to me.
So focused on feelings of betrayal and disappoint- ment, I didn't see that the promise WAS kept. There was just some... technical difficulties?... that were thrown in my path in defiance of this. And my big Brother helped me persevere through it.
Perhaps the "technical difficulties" were designed to get me mad and distance myself from my beloved Brother.
This morning's success only proves that His promise was kept. I just need to think with the right mind to see it clearly.
Have you ever run into "technical difficulties" too?
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