September is traditionally "Back-to-School" month here. As adults, some of us "rest on our laurels" when we are finished our formal education, believing we've finally finished learning.
And then - sometimes right away or sometimes many years later - we notice that the "laurels" upon which we rest aren't growing as wide as our backsides upon which we also rest.
Continuing formal education is not an option for many, especially with the high cost of tuition and associated fees, or due to time constraints with job and/or family. But we should not let that stop us from learning. As we learn, we grow.
One of my favorite ways to learn has always been through books. I am comfortable with them; they have been a trusted friend since I was young - even the pile I was forced to read for all those English/Literature classes. Well... I never DID make it to the end of Jane Eyre. :P
Sometimes I try to go through the more educational tomes as well as the collection of fantasy books and fiction I enjoy reading for fun. I still haven't figured out who moved my cheese?
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the pile of "For Dummies" books on my desk at work. Since switching to Windows 7 (from XP) and to Microsoft Office 2010 (from 2003), I find myself in a world of frustration playing hide-and-go-seek with buttons and other features. But I continue to learn the technology too.
A new way I learn is via interactive conversations with others online, such as emails or chat. I also have started a love affair with the blog - both in writing and reading others. Even when I don't leave a comment, I still learn. It's like a coffee-shop classroom, where we learn from each other virtually, even though we never say a word face-to-face.
There is also the time needed to let it all sink in. I need to set aside some time out of my busy day (or extend that day by getting up a bit earlier) and ask the Spirit within to be my teacher. I need to understand what God wants me to learn from all that I see, hear, read, and experience. Osmosis doesn't always work; learning takes place at a much deeper level.

While he expresses his amazement that God has connected him with someone who brings much for him to learn, the fact has not been lost on me that it's a two-way street. I've started to learn many things from him as well.
I now have an opportunity to learn how to teach through interaction with others, and I found a stepping stone that Yeshua (Jesus) has given me.
Those that read my blog regularly know that I have many gripes about the Catholic Church, and have been quite vocal about it here. I also know Yeshua wants me reconciled with the Church. I don't know why, but because He asks it, I want to do so. This opportunity that has been placed before me is a learning experience.
September is back-to-school month, and Yeshua definitely has a hand in my curriculum. Of that, I am both very glad and quite grateful.
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