Ever since I was young, I loved watching lightning; the more intense, the better the show! To me, it was like watching God's fireworks!
I know some are frightened by it, and there is good reason. Lightning can kill. Lightning can damage a home or structure. I've seen trees where lightning striped the bark off completely or split the trunk in two. I've witnessed pavement fused into something chemically different. I've responded to house fires where lightning struck.
When I was a teenager, I stupidly stood on a lakeshore beach during a thunderstorm. I wasn't on or in the water, so I should be safe, I thought. I didn't realize how wrong I was until a lightning bolt struck the shoreline and sent me flying back four feet through the air with the concussion alone.

Sometimes I wonder if approaching God is similar. There is power. There is majesty. There is immense, infinite beauty. But in the back of the mind, there is fear at approaching something so powerful and divine. It's even been said that God's voice is like the rumble of thunder (Exodus 19:18-19, John 12:27-32, Acts 9:3-7). But, unlike lightning, the only thing that will be threatened by God is that which is not from God.

Unlike what many preach, God doesn't want to punish us. God doesn't want to hurt us. Have you ever removed a splinter from a child's skin, or had one removed from yours? It hurts! The more one squirms, jumps and moves around, the more injury is sustained trying to extract that which is the cause of the pain. God is a loving Parent, doing much the same thing with our inner self.
And when it is over, the skies clear of the dark clouds to reveal something far greater than we have ever imagined.
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