Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time with God

What if you got a message that God wanted to meet you and sit a spell with you? What if you were told God is sitting on the front porch, front steps (or as we say in NYC, "front stoop") right now?

Would you be thrilled? Would you be happy? Would you be afraid? Would a jumble of all these well up inside?

When I was told God wanted to meet with me outside, just to sit outside the front door, I went beside myself. Part of me was joyous that God wanted to spend time with me. Part of me had that sinking feeling and the question, "What did I do wrong...?"

I dragged my feet. I mentally batted around the doubt that the request was real. I checked my email. I took my time getting dressed. But that request remained opened, the feeling inside confirmed it.

God was waiting.

So I went out to face the news, ready for a recrimination that I had not only did something to merit this talking to, but also that I've now had the audacity to keep God waiting. :(

But God wasn't waiting to yell at me or punish me. God simply wanted to spend time together, just the two of us. Sunrise seemed the perfect peaceful moment that God wanted to share with me. And the invitation wasn't just open to me, but to all of God's Children - each and every one of us.

Do we dare to set aside the time, before the crazy clutter of our routine and schedules? Before all the dark thoughts of doubt and fear block the bright thoughts from our mind, we can make a choice. We can take a few moments to sit with God just outside the front door, or we can try to tackle the day by ourselves.

Which will be more successful?

By request, I now spend some moments with God outside my front door daily. Some days I shiver, as frost lines the plants and steps around me.  Some days I shiver, as God's Peace fills me and gives me the strength and confidence to face my day. Some days I shiver, at the sheer wonder of the Blessing it is to sit with God for a quiet moment. No prayers. No requests. No apologies for the mistakes I've done. No demands. Often, no words at all. Just the two of us sitting side-by-side, sharing the moment. It is exhilarating!

And I invite you to do the same.
It is definitely worth it!

Images: Top from The rest from the internet: sources unknown.


  1. What a wonderful post, love the way you wrote this. Thanks for helping me to refocus, I need to make more time for my Father...he is waiting for me.

    Much love and blessings!

  2. Thanks for your comment. May your time with our Father bring you much Joy and Peace. :D
