This weekend my husband and I attended Changing Times, Changing Worlds, an interfaith conference where I can work on some tools in my tool box, such as grounding/centering, shielding and healing.
The Shielding II class left me with a litany echoing through my mind:
- When you get up in the morning, check your shields.
- When you shower, check your shields.
- When you eat, check your shields.
- When you leave your home, check your shields.
- When you get in your car, check your shields.
- When you get out of the car, check your shields.
- When you enter your workplace, check your shields.
- When you have lunch, check your shields.
- When you take a bathroom break, check your shields.
- When you head home, check your shields.
- When you arrive home, check your shields.
- When you have dinner, check your shields.
- When you go to bed, check your shields.
My Christian faith plays a big role in everything I do, especially the spiritual aspect of my being.
When I feel the need to shield myself, I firmly hold in my mind the image of myself in God's hand, reaffirming that God never let me go. When another is in similar need, I picture them in God's hand.
What we can conceive, what we believe, IS. Yeshua/Jesus said the same about moving mountains. It is a matter of focusing on the positive thoughts rather than on our fears or the negativity in our minds, and then letting God show us Wonders.
While I shield, I work with God to do so. When I heal another, I reach for God and let the Divine work through me. So when the above litany runs through my mind, it changes to incorporate my relationship with God:
- When I get up in the morning, pray.
- When I shower, pray.
- When I eat, pray.
- When I leave my home, pray.
- When I get in my car, pray.
- When I get out of the car, pray.
- When I enter my workplace, pray.
- When I have lunch, pray.
- When I take a bathroom break, pray.
- When I head home, pray.
- When I arrive home, pray.
- When I have dinner, pray.
- When I go to bed, pray.
God and His angels very much want to help us. But they cannot until we invite them to do so. It is the nature of our free will.
The more I pray, the more I ask for God's guidence, the more I invite God to be a part of my daily life, and the more God can do within my life, and through me, as God determines best.
The more I pray, the more I keep that communication line open. In that shielding class, it was stressed that shields left unmaintained will deteriorate and become ineffective. The same for our lines of communication with God. The more we use them, the stronger they are.
Whatever this day brings...
I Pray.
I Pray.
P.S. ~ I am now using my other blog post account to post on both blogs.
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